Centura Educational Foundation

The mission of the Centura Educational Foundation (CEF) is to provide funding through scholarships to graduates of Centura High School to further their education, to current Centura students who are enrolled in college classes and to functions or projects benefiting the Centura District.
The Centura Educational Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization established in 1986. Donations to the CEF may be submitted through personal donations or as part of estate planning.
Our board consists of 2 members from each community of Dannebrog, Cairo, and Boelus plus 1-2 ex-officio members. A member of the Board of Education and a member of the Administration attend the CEF Board Meetings.
Current Board Members:
Brooke Schmitt - President
Kim Hurt - Vice President/Treasurer
Michelle Jensen - Secretary
Kim Kemptar
Bill Jacobs
Joe Grabowski
Ex-Officio: Angela Simdorn & Julie Nitsch

The CEF funds approximately $100,000 annually towards various projects, grants, program fees and tuition costs benefiting the school, teachers and students.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Dunlap Scholarships are awarded to seniors through an application process in the amount of $2000 (4 semesters X $500)
COLLEGE TUITION/ONLINE: Centura Juniors & Seniors are reimbursed for 1 online college class per semester.
TEACHER GRANTS: Teachers apply annually for classroom or project assistance. The CEF board awards approx. $25K- $30K per year for Teacher Grants. For example: Water Fountains w/ bottle fills, furniture in pods for collaborative learning, Golden Sower Books, iPads.
Funds raised at the annual CEF Festival and Go Big GIVE also assist with other projects which the BOE views as a priority such as security, after school programs, etc.
The CEF is an avenue for grants that have been written and awarded in recent years for the various school improvement projects.
CEF Projects