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Board Committees


Board of Education

Board Members

Board Committees

CIA/Americanism: Will, Todd, & Justin
Staff/Community Relations: Mark, Teresa, & Sandra
Negotiations: Will, Mark, & Sandra
Transportation/Finance/Facility: Todd, Justin, & Sandra
Activities: Justin, Teresa, & Todd

Power and Responsibilites: The school board operates under a mandatory policy, where the members of the board act as a group. The board is empowered to make policy for its own governance, for employees, for students, and for school district facilities. The board is also empowered to enforce its policies. These powers and all other powers are expressly granted to the board in federal and state law. As the governing board of the school district the board has three duties to perform: legislative duty, executive duty, and evaluative duty. Legislating policy comes with the jurisdiction to enact policy with the force and effect of the law. Executive duty includes hiring a superintendent to operate the school district on the board’s behalf. They delegate to the superintendent the authority to carry out board policy, to formulate and carry out rules and regulations, and to handle administrative details consistent with board policy. Under evaluative duty, the board has the responsibility to review the education program’s performance and the associated services.

Public Comment Procedure: A “Public Comment” time may be included on the agenda of all regular Centura Board of Education meetings. Public comment will be accepted to allow for members of the public to raise issues and make comments for the good of the Centura Public Schools regarding policy, programs, or procedures. Public Comment time shall be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes, with each member of the public being allocated one opportunity to speak at the meeting for a time period of up to three minutes. If the number of members of the public wishing to comment warrants a reduction in the three-minute allotment, the Board President shall have the authority to limit comments. Members of the public wishing to comment at any regular Centura Board of Education Meeting must sign in, and they will be expected to state the topic of their comments for documentation in the Board Meeting minutes. Public comment about personnel will not be permitted, and the Board President has the prerogative to curtail any inappropriate public comment.

Community Engagement: The Board of Education recently completed a Community Engagement Process which resulted in a Strategic Plan with a new Mission Statement, Belief Statements and Six Priority Areas. The Strategic Plan was the collaborative work of the Staff Leadership Team, staff, community, administration, and Board of Education. Mission: Centura and its collaborative partners are an innovative community empowering all students to be successful today and in the future. Centura Public Schools’ Belief Statements As a community we will… Elect a board that ensures a quality education and a safe learning environment will be provided for all students. Inspire students to be respectful, resourceful, and responsible. Aspire for all students to grow academically. Encourage students to take ownership of their learning process. Promote a positive and supportive learning environment. Evolve as an innovative staff through instruction and technology integration. Strengthen relationships with families and engage community members in partnership. Priority Areas: Priority 1: Academics – To progress learning opportunities to support rigorous and effective curriculum. Priority 2: Student Service Programs – To ensure students are engaged, empowered, and equipped through quality student service programs district-wide. Priority 3: Technology – Ensure staff and students have access to comprehensive technology to support instruction, curriculum, learning, administrative management, communication and information access. Priority 4: Staff – Recruit, hire, develop, and retain a quality staff. Priority 5: District Culture – Strengthen relationships with families and engage community members in partnership Priority 6: District Building and Grounds – Maintain and monitor district buildings and grounds to meet high energy, safety, security, and efficiency levels. The updated mission statement, belief statements and priorities set forth by the BOE also support Centura’s Vision. Vision: A community about students, excellence, and innovation. During each school year it is important to keep the Mission, Vision, Beliefs, and Priorities at the forefront of what is done on a daily basis.

The District annually pays dues to the following organizations:

- NRCSA (Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association) - $850 

- NASB (Nebraska Association of School Boards) - $4,574.00

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