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Centura with its collaborative partners are an innovative community empowering all students to be successful today and in the future.   


A  community focused on students, excellence, and innovation.


Schools should be a positive place for students to learn. Quality schools have a vision for future accomplishments. Schools provide a “highway” for learning. Quality schools are dependent on quality staff, students, parents, and patrons. Education is essential preparation for life and is a key to success in life. Education is the basis on which students build for the future in a global economic society. Education should be provided on an equal basis for all students. All students have the potential opportunity to succeed to the extent of their capability. Students represent the future and are the top priority of education. Parents are partners in the school process. Schools and community should work together as partners in providing a quality school program. A supportive community of parents and patrons is vital to quality education. The professional staff of schools should represent the highest levels of competence, resourcefulness, caring and dedication. The professional staff is an important role model for students and is critical to the quality we desire in our schools.

Learner Outcomes

Graduates of Centura Public Schools will be able to perform or demonstrate the following:

  • Ability to make informed, responsible, independent decisions

  • Ability to interact and work interdependently with others

  • Accountability for one’s own actions

  • Self motivation and direction

  • Desire and ability to continue self directed learning.

  • A high level of respect and sense of responsibility for self, others, and the world in which we live.

  • Ability to accept and adapt to a rapidly changing and complex world.

  • Ability to participate in a community respecting the opinions and feelings of others.

  • Confidence in one’s own abilities and skills.

  • Ability to use creative higher level thinking skills to solve problems in everyday personal and work life.

  • A level of wellness of body and mind sufficient to live a quality and productive life.

  • Basic literacy skills in the areas of reading/writing, math, science, social sciences, technology, study skills and the arts sufficient to learn and communicate.

  • Advanced levels of knowledge and skills in reading/writing, math, science, social sciences, technology, and communication sufficient to enter the world of work and to continue formal educational experiences.

  • Understands democratic processes and values and applies them to living in a complex and changing world.

  • Understands and uses technology to seek, use and provide information for personal growth, to better their community and chosen profession.


A secondary purpose of assessment is to provide accountability, a means for reporting progress to all the stakeholders in the educational process. The assessment program is intended for making informed decisions and for designing curricular and instructional programs that meet the needs of the entire student population. The assessment system will yield accurate information only when standards, instruction, and assessment are aligned, which is the case in Centura Public Schools.

Assessment also directly yields data, which is used to aid in the overall Continuous and Integrated School Improvement process. Long- and short-term goals are based on the data derived from assessment. Strengths and areas of growth focus are determined and serve as a means to measure progress. Assessment guides and improves instruction. Continuous Improvement serves to increase excellence in education. It is through the assessment and the school improvement process, that Centura Public Schools remains committed to promote student achievement.


Curriculum is determined by Centura’s teachers based on the state standards and guides what we teach to our students.  Centura Public School’s curriculum for all subjects is being written and piloted by the teachers in our district.  A standards based approach has been incorporated and implemented to ensure that all students meet the objectives set by the district. Key Concepts and Essential Skills have been identified by groups of teachers.  They identify what we want kids to know and be able to do in each grade level or subject and these concepts are aligned with the Nebraska State Standards. Centura Public Schools believes the primary purpose of assessment is to assist teachers and administrators in instructional and curricular design to ensure that students achieve the skills and knowledge contained in state standards.

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